Monday, September 8, 2008

Politics & the Media

Raise your hand if you wish the elections were over. Yeah me too. I am so over listening to the media try and act like the moral majority. They may represent a majority but I don't believe it has anything to do with morals.

It is amazing what we as viewers/readers of news will put up. I wonder how many people are as fed up as I am. When the media makes up it's collected mind on a subject, heaven help the person that it is attacking. Right now it is Sarah Palin. She is a working mother and of course now there is all this big deal about if she is being selfish by putting her profession above her children and her husband. Ok - now I do not know this woman and I do not know if she can actually be deemed selfish. But HELLO! We are in the 21st century. Women have always worked whether it is a home or in an office. Just because you work does not mean that you are putting your career ahead of your family. Oh and another thing. What about her husband - is he not expected to carry the weight as well just because she is a mom that means that she has to drop everything for her children or even put it on hold. So she works, AND? In this day and age women have to work to help the family make ends meet. This in NO way effects her feeling for her children or her husband. It is not a sin to be a mother and work or even to enjoy working.

In a perfect world women would still stay at home while the man of the house would work and bring home the money. Now again I do not know this woman and do not know her circumstances. I do know me and I know that if I had a choice I would not work I would be a stay at home mom in a heart beat. But I also know that as a working mom I do my best. When my son was younger I would make sure that I knew in advance any special events that I needed to attend or any important dates. I've even been on several field trips. I know some stay at home moms that have never been on a field trip let alone a parent/teacher conference. Having said that of course it is all relative. There are good moms and not so good moms and I don't think blaming the working mom is the answer. How about the dad, they work and I notice it's not mentioned about how they may be selfish for not spending enough time with their children.

It just REALLY ANNOYS me how the media is really trying to play up that she is a working mom. She has a newborn and a teenager that is pregnant. Let's blame her working. Can we get a broader picture? Where was the dad when his daughter was looking for love from some boy? A strong male role model will limit a girl from looking for love from someone else. Is that mentioned? Of course not let's blame the mom because she is running for VP.

Is it mentioned that children and teens who come from homes where parents (not just Mom) provide little emotional support for their children and fail to monitor their activities tend to have more emotional problems and get in more trouble than children who come from a home where there is emotional support whether from a single family home or with a mom working. Children from single parent homes, homes where both parents work and homes where one parent works can ALL have children with problems. To singularly blame a working mother for the downfall of humanity is reaching. AND yet media likes to portray that aspect.

Now I am not saying that if she was at home more that her daughter might not be pregnant but we don't know. So blaming her for working is reaching and a ploy to discredit her and in my opinion needs to stop.

I mean whatever happened to the issues - gas prices, the economy, the war. HEY media people - remember those. Let's hear about where the candidates stand on THOSE issues. C'mon are you news organizations or papparazzi.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hey girl,
Don't hold back! Tell us how you really feel. :)