Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Politics as Usual

If you know me then you know that I am very strong willed and minded. I love to debate and enjoy a really good discussion. I am also not very political. During an election year I do my homework and research who I think would be the best candidate. But I don't usually do more than that. Unfortunately this year I have to admit I am not very enthusiastic about either candidates. Both candidates have their pros and to be honest a lot of cons. Unfortunately this seems to be one of those years where I think for many people it is going to come down to who is the lesser of two evils.

Now having said that and admitted that I am strong willed, I also admit that I respect other peoples opinions and agree that they have a right to have that opinion (even if it does not agree with mine).

Now I do subscribe to the not talking about certain things philosophy (of course it does depend on who I am having the conversation with) but I feel the need to share. If you have visited my blog before then you know that I was rooting for Mike Huckabee. I liked his way of thinking more than any of the other candidates. Unfortunately he was not long for the race.

Now, like many of you I was waiting for the outcome of the Obama/Clinton weirdness. I thought both had interesting ideas as well as scary ideas. Now that Clinton has dropped out that leaves the race between Obama and McCain. Neither of which in my opinion are good candidates. I am one of those people that doesn't vote strictly by party. I vote either way - I think of myself as a democratublican. I'm not big on McCain and I am not big on Obama - both have good ideas and both have lousy ideas. It was down to who had the least bad ideas. Until today.

Now I am still not big on McCain - but after hearing Focus on the Family this morning I do know that I am totally NOT for Obama. Before when I heard Obama speak I found him to be very energetic and a motivational speaker. He has said some very interesting and relevant things during his campaign. Which is why I was considering voting for him. However, on today's broadcast Dr. Dobson responded to a speech given by Obama regarding his views of the role of religion in government. After just a few minutes of listening to Obama speak - I was very angry. Angry enough to pass on the link for the audio and to get it out that this is the way this man thinks. You know this is not going to be on the evening news or even discussed anywhere else. Which is a shame - that we are prisoners of our own media - and we are only allotted what they think is important or relevant.
But that's another post. It goes without saying that I was very surprised how someone can come across as so intelligent and yet be such an idiot. This same man that goes to church and claims to be a christian has shown his true self. Words fail me. I don't want to say jerk or fool - but this is a man that is bent on deceiving people and has reduced peoples faith to a triviality and has made a mockery of the bible and people of faith. Hypocrite comes to mind as well as other words. I am thoroughly angry and I am glad that now I know. Before I voted and possibly made a huge mistake.

Please click on the link and listen to the comments made by both Senator Obama and Dr. Dobson. Then make up your own mind.

Today's soapbox brought to you by The People Who Want A Decent Presidential Candidate To Show Up Before We're Dead Committee. :-)


Diana said...

Wendy I loved this post. My favorite line was "words fail me."
Words didn't fail you.
I can just see you sitting at your desk typing feverishly to get the words out.

thanks for the info

Anonymous said...

I can’t understand why more people can’t see it. McCain is the Frog Boiler!

What do I mean? There is an old allegory about how to boil a frog. It is said that if you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water it will immediately jump out.

But if you drop a frog in water that is slightly warm and turn up the heat gradually then the frog just sits there and lets itself be boiled alive, without attempting to jump out of the pot, without even knowing that it is indeed being boiled alive.

This allegory has been applied again, and again regarding the American people’s reaction to liberalism/socialism. And it is pretty clear who is who if you apply this allegory to this year’s election.

So let's vote for the candidate who will make the frog jump out of the pot so we can have a true conservative in 2012. Otherwise we will all get gradually boiled alive.

After all it took Carter to get us Reagan.