Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reaching Out

The other night I was studying Ephesians 4:25-32. It is basically about anger management. Now on any given day that is a fascinating subject to talk about. But the verse that caught me was verse 28. It is partially about reaching out to someone.

First let me brag on my friend Diana. She reaches out to me even after I have pushed her away. By doing that she makes me feel so cared for, that I will always have someone that cares about me. You'd be surprised how many people pull back after it gets difficult.

Anyway, reaching out is one of our Christian duties. If someone doesn't respond right away, we shouldn't just give up or move on. This is where we should reach out to Christ and ask for guidance, compassion and patience. We should reach out to those people who pull away. Backing off a little if needed but still available and in their sights.

On the other side, pulling away from the Lord or family and friends is a sure fire way to disaster. Even when we want to enclose ourselves and hide from the world we should reach out. At the least reaching for the Lord in need or desperation. We are not alone and should not act like it.

I know this from personal experience and it helps ease things to not close yourself off (even though it's hard and hurts). When you close yourself off a cocoon forms around you and it buffers not only the pain but the light. The bigger and thicker the cocoon, the harder it is to come back.

On the argumentative side though, it is easier to withdraw sometimes than deal with people who are superficial and don't really care or don't want to reach out and get their hands dirty.

But again, by reaching out to someone, you may be their only light or lifeline in that dark tunnel that they find themselves in. Whether you know it or not you could be that persons only guide out of the darkness.

I know it's hard, we make it hard. But the rewards are more than worth it.


Diana said...
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Diana said...

Don't brag on me. Your post made me think of the song by Stellar Kart, Me and Jesus. You haven't give up on me either. I think God uses times like these to help stretch our faith and
help us grow spiritually. Think of it as a growth spurt.

Maybe I need a little Ephesians style anger management.
