Sunday, April 6, 2008


I think it might actually be here. Right now I am listening to birds, children playing and someone mowing the lawn. After days of gloomy rain and gray clouds it is finally sunny and warm. Of course I am also listening to the couple that lives across from us have a very loud argument. I guess reality had to break in.

It is beautiful out. I have the bird feeder out on the porch and several birds have been visiting. The cats love this of course. They sit by the window and their little mouths move up and down. I think they make little comments along the lines of "here birdy birdy." They look so expectantly at the bird and you can see the frustration in them when the birds fly away after eating. We let them out on the porch every now and then and they love to lay in the sun and just watch everything that is going on.

Yes, I think Spring is finally here. You can smell it in the air. I think that might even be garlic onion. Mmmm. That is one of the best things about Spring. The smells. Of course the pretty flowers and trees that just seem to poof overnight with bright colors are just as wonderful.

The winter is over and finally the warmth is here and we can emerge out of our little houses and be free again. Yeah it's Spring.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Spring at last...Spring at last...thank God almighty it's Spring at last!!!