Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting to Know You

I share an office with a co-worker. The room used to be a conference room but was made over to hold two people. Basically what they did was separate the room and put in two cubicles. My section is towards the back and has the most window space. I guess seniority comes in handy sometimes. Anyway, this is both a blessing and a hindrance. For most of the year it is just cold, but in winter is it freezing. Thankfully I have a jacket and a heater, even though sometimes that doesn't even help.

Anyway, I got to thinking about what our desks say about each of us. If you walk into someones office and you see what they have on their desk or in their office it tells you a little about that person. Our neighbor Peter likes the Yankees and taking trips with his family. When I see Theresa's side I see that she likes the color red and likes art. So I started to wonder what my side says. I have toys and lots of pictures of my family. I have several plants and I added a couch, table and chairs to a section of my side. The couch part is more of a shared living room that we all use at lunch. I like this section because it is actually quite homey.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

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