Friday, February 8, 2008


I started blogging in April of last year. My friend Diana is to blame. She had a blog and I would go out and read hers and thought it looked like a fun little thing to do every once in awhile. A good way to vent, make my opinions known, etc…

I am totally hooked now. I try to think of something daily to just spout off about and sometimes come up with something depending on the day. But it has become more than that. I love clicking the link “next blog” at the top of the blog page. This takes me to other blogs, blogs I wouldn’t have normally gone too. Blogs of people I have never met and probably will never meet. But I love looking at their pictures, their comments, their life, their feelings. Most that I come across are in another language and I don’t understand much of what they write, but I love looking at the pictures, art, etc…

Did you know that there are blogs about eyebrows, peanut butter and wooly pigs? Santa even has his own blog. If it exists in the world then you can blog about it and someone probably already is or has. I have come across some very fascinating things when I browse through the blogs. Some of my favorite blogs are from people that just blog about their life, like I do. They talk about their husbands, their children, their work. Things that make them happy, things that make them angry or sad.

It just goes to prove that people all over the world are very similar. They have families, jobs, crushes, feelings just like everyone else. It makes it kind of feel like a smaller world. The language is different but the feeling is still the same. If that makes sense. A kind of snapshot into the life of another person.

Some of the blogs I probably won’t come across again. But some I have put in my favorites because “they speak to me”. I just want to see what will be next.

Having said all that – get out there and browse, explore. Broaden your horizons. Here are just a few of the interesting blogs that I have come across recently.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing, I've noticed that now and again I'll go searching for a blog to see what's out there... so many different people, so many different languages--and the talents these people have blow me away. A constant reminder that God is so awesome to have created all of us and given us these imaginations...