I have one. Actually I will have a full fledged one in June. But the signs have been there for almost 6 months or more. Our family has entered into ... (scream) ... the teenage years.
He came to me last night interested in starting his own blog. Great I said but we will have to monitor it. Of course he did not understand that at all. And me being me felt that I should explain. Well after 10 minutes about trust and the evils in this world and the glazed over deer in the headlight look we are still no further than we were when he asked me if he could start his own blog.
Is it a breakdown of communication because of the women not understanding men/boys thing? Is it because my brain is not wired to thinking like a teenager anymore? Although I have been told that I can be very childlike - but cartoons notwithstanding... where does the communication breakdown? When did it begin? I know he listened to me when he was younger that is why he is still alive and not scarred for life (literally!) - but when did it happen? When did my wonderful sweet boy start to hear blah blah blah instead of real words. I know he has to grow up and I know that in doing that he has to break away from us to find himself so that he can be a productive worthwhile adult... BUT does it have to be such a winding uphill roller coaster ride for everyone!
I keep hearing from all of the experts that these years are the most difficult for both the child and the parent. That as they pull away from you, you as a parent have to not give in to the anger and pull away from them. No matter how spiteful, petulant and annoying they get. That what they need is love and lots of it until the roller coaster ride ends. Sounds easy right?
All I can say is that I think I am going to be wearing a new fashion for awhile - "The Deer in the Headlight Look" - available everywhere! Now, if only I can figure out how to market it I might be able to afford that cell phone my little teenager wants.
Please listen to Focus on the Family's program Teacher of the Year 1 & 2 regarding children & teenagers (have tissues close). http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Focus_on_the_Family/archives.asp?bcd=2007-4-16
1 comment:
Ok, that was too funny. I can tell you, as you know we too have a teenager. I love when I ask what he thinks he is doing he turns around arms lifted and bent at the elbows and says wahhh. Somewhere between 5th and 6th grade they lose the ability to speak normally. Sometimes Georgie either sounds like boomhower from king of the hill or maybe he is speaking in tongues and I just don't have the gift of interpertation. Oh well sign me up for 2 painrs of the deer in the headlight look glasses and I want them in the sunglass version to. Thanks
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