Saturday, October 11, 2008


Stress is in the eye of the beholder. I have what can be considered by some people as a minimum amount of stress. Of course on my side of the fence it looks pretty rough to me. Bear with me as I complain for a paragraph or 2.

I do not have a car. It no worky. It is at the mechanics. I can't even afford to have it looked at. Thankfully he is a very nice man and is looking at it on his spare time. Of course this all happened after I spent $700 to get it fixed for something else. Anyway, bottom line is that I do not have a car. My husband's car is on it's last legs and actually has been for some time now. I really thought his would go first. Now thankfully I can take a bus into Nashville to get to my job. Of course the added stress of having to get up earlier to get in line for the bus as well as the stress of how am I going to get to the bus stop if his car dies too. Ok, so not having a car is something that I can live with - I mean I have to. But it adds that little bit of stress to my shoulders. Ok, so next we have the money problem. At least I don't have to pay for gas right? But that worrying about how to pay the bills and having enough to live on is another little stress adder to the shoulders. High prices of everything and not sure if we will have enough money to get through the rest of the month is just another other. Now it doesn't just end there - there is a whole lot more and I could probably go on a couple more paragraphs with my woes. Basically my mind set is "I know something else is going to happen, I just have to wait and POOF there it is."

Where am I going with all of these complaining? To this... The recent comments from people saying "The bite in these tough times ...". If I hear that one more time, especially from someone who doesn't understand what being bit means I think I am going to lose it. If your life is wonderful then I am very happy for you. If the economy situation is not hurting you then I am thankful. But I have to say I don't want to hear about how wonderful your life is and I don't want to hear how things are just unbelievably peachy for you. It is not that I don't care - to be honest I am happy for you. But I am also very sad for me. I am thankful, truly thankful that your life is going so well. But right now I have enough on my plate and I am having a tendency to be very selfish right now. Do I want your pity? No. Do I want your I'm so sorry's? No. Do I want to discuss how my life is sucking beyond recognition right now? No.

So what do I want? Heck if I know. Well other than a really good nap and the economy to get better, I don't know. Oh yeah, I guess I want my truck back and to have more money. So I guess I do know - well partially. Overall I want to feel less stressed. Even though compared to some I don't have it that bad.

So again, stress is in the eye of the beholder. I could have it worse. And believe me I am very thankful that I don't have it much worse. But for my mentality right now I think I have enough please.