Monday, January 24, 2011

Resolution #1

Well it has been awhile since I posted. I have decided for 2011 to do things a little differently than my norm. So, that is why I am back and will be posting more often. Mainly because of my New Year resolutions.

Like most people they involve eating, exercise and money. But, I have additional ones. The first one has to do with my cookbook. I have wanted to do a cookbook for a long time. Something that has past and present recipes from the families. I have been mulling the idea around for quite some time. I narrowed it down to any family recipes. But I wanted to do more.

I have this large box with all of my loose recipes. Every time I see a recipe that I would like to make, in it goes. All of the family favorites are in there as well. So, I decided that I am going to go through the box, set aside the tried and true and get to working on the ones that I have been saving for a rainy day or a miracle or something. So, starting this weekend I am going to weed through my box of recipes. Throw out the ones that we don't like, including the ones that are "OK" and only keep the ones that are really good or "You need to make this again" worthy.

Now since I am a procrastinator, I figured I would probably be done sometime before I died. But I was inspired last night by watching Julie & Julia. Julie did all of Julia Child's recipes from "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in 1 year. Well since I am not doing anything so grand as French cooking it should take me less time, don't you think?

So, starting this weekend I will be doing my own version of Bon Appetite'. God help us all!

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